Saturday 25 February 2017

"The Best Worst Video game Ever! Part 2" The Flash Episode 14 Season 3 Synopsis

Posted by Vikram Sharma
The Flash Episode 13 Season 3 had an amazing setting with team Flash in Gorilla City fighting highly intelligent gorillas and Wally and Jesse back at Central City together protecting the city. The concept alone is mesmerizing and thrilling but it felt like the show runners did not want to show us the full extent of the settings like they were holding back and just teasing us with this mind boggling concept. 

Truth be told I can understand why they were holding back. The main reason may be the next episode,"Attack on Central City", just tipping up the scales. Now that Wally and Jesse are on the same page, the team can fully concentrate on saving the city and in doing that saving Iris (which I have a feeling might not happen). If we look at the synopsis:

When Grodd (voiced by David Sobolov) and his army of gorillas bring the battle to Earth-1, The Flash (Grant Gustin) and team must find a way to stop them before they destroy Central City. Gypsy (guest star Jessica Camacho) returns to join the fight. Meanwhile, Jesse Quick (guest star Violett Beane) decides she wants to stay with Wally (Keiynan Lonsdale) on Earth-1.

The synopsis and the end credit scene of Episode 13 do bring a lot of questions like :
How Gypsy got caught in middle of this? Is she being mind controlled or not? 

Although I was not that impressed by the episode 13, it was a good character driven episode for Jesse and Julian. But I m pretty sure that episode 14, will be action packed and surely link the story further to the return of our big bad this season, Savitar as the episode 15 title is: Wrath of Savitar.

I am looking forward to this as after seeing Solovar and Barry go at it for 4 minutes, I am curious to see how the Team fight an army of Gorillas.


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