Sunday 8 January 2017

Top 10 ways Star Wars should pay tribute to Carrie Fisher aka Princess Leia

Posted by Vikram Sharma
Of course, we will remember Carrie Fisher forever. But these are my top 10 ways how Star Wars can remember her and pay tribute to her in the franchise.

Carrie Fisher herself was a life long comedian. Therefore, I have broken up this list into 5 actual serious ways and 5 not so serious light-hearted ways they should remember our Princess Leia.

Top 5 serious ways:

5. Princess Leia has huge part in episode 8 and key role in episode 9. It means that her character is very important to the story-line. Most of the parts of her in Episode 8 has already recorded. The remaining parts and her role in Episode 9 is yet to be shot. I just want to say that don't Frankenstein edit the footage in which she is in. This would result in a scene which does not make much sense. If you have to, use digital Leia. Give her and the character proper send-off, they deserve.

4. We have seen Rogue One. They have the technology to produce digital Leia but don't shoehorn digital Leia in the entire movie. Just give the character a small scene in the beginning of the movie which provides the catalyst for the Resistance and Kylo Ren's character, pushing them forward. 

We have seen in Episode 7 that the Resistance is just this small rag-tag group that is way smaller then the Rebellion in the original story. Even the first order is a smaller than the Empire. This scene will provide the anger, the suffering which the Resistance will need to stand up to the Dark side.

3. Lay her to rest with rest of her family. Like say, Luke passes away sometime in this trilogy and becomes the Force ghost like Obi-Wan Kenobi. Put her remains with the physical remains of Luke and Vader. I know Kylo Ren has the Vader helmet but that doesn't represent Anakin Skywalker as Anakin Skywalker. 

In episode 7, they made it seem like the planet on which Han Solo was killed is destroyed but I feel that Princess Leia must have something to remember him by. Place this with that of the Skywalkers.

2. Keep her death simple and meaningful.

1. Death of her mother should be the turning point for Kylo Ren's character. Seemingly, he tried to cut-off himself from the Light side of the Force, by killing his father. 

But the death of his mother, Princess Leia, should make such a tremor in the Force, which he can't ignore. They can play him either to go crazy or as a turning point for him. They can play the turning point as when Vader killed the Emperor on seeing Luke dying.

Top 5 light-hearted ways:

5. Re-program a droid with all of her sass, K2SO style. Princess Leia had one of the best representation of wit and sass which was very evident in the original trilogy. I am personally looking forward to Episode 8 for more such moments.

4. Montage of Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia, doing stand up in a random canteen, the way she used to do in comic-con panels. This would be a great way of remembering her as she was a life-long comedian.

3. Princess Leia is force sensitive that means she can sense the disturbance in Force but cannot use it as she is not trained as a jedi. Just like Rey, have her control some storm troopers. As Rey is also force sensitive, she was able to mind control a storm trooper in episode 7.

2. Let her weild a light saber. She has done this in the comics but not yet in the movies. It was this crazy panel where everyone get lightsabers.

1. I know this is not going to happen but still it would amazing on the big screen. Have Luke and Leia manifest a new Force ability. Just keeping in mind the fact that multiple Jedis work stronger together and that since Leia and Luke share a biological connection as they are twins. It would be really awesome to see if it happens.

In the end, I just want to say that Carrie Fisher will always be remembered in our hearts. 
May the Force be with her!


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