Wednesday 11 January 2017

The Flash : Season 3 Predictions

Posted by Vikram Sharma
This weekend a lot of the Flash information bombs were dropped. We have so much stuff to talk about like Black Flash, Gorilla Grodd, Solovar.

Based on the information, here is my Top 10 predictions for rest of the season 3 of the Flash.

10. Jesse Quick and Harrison Wells from the Earth-2 will be back rather sooner than you expect. The main reason that these two characters are not in every single episode of the Flash because they have so many actors and different characters to focus on and develop them. If they have them on every single episode, it can become a mess.

The best thing they can do with Jesse Quick's character is that if they don't want to have her on the Flash, she can go to Legends Of Tomorrow. 

9. Harrison Wells from Earth-19 (HR) will be here long enough to introduce us to Earth-19 Flash who seems like a big a part of the Gorilla Grodd episode.

No idea if HR will stay for the entire season but he will surely stay here for a while longer.

I know some people think that he has hidden motive other than his book because he come off so strong in the beginning. But I feel he just wanted everyone to be comfortable with him,now that everyone is cool around him, he has also laid off a lot. His main motive is to start the Star Labs Museum  which can be the stepping stone for the Flash Museum

I am really interested to see what new character Tom Cavanagh will play next season.

8. We all know that Earth-19 Flash, the Accelerated Man, is coming to the show, But this version of the Flash will not be Barry from Earth-19. Since he will play alongside Grant Gustin, it seems a logical choice, to have someone else play this Flash.

It will be interesting to see if we know the character already who will be the Accelerated Man.

This character is from Grand Morrison's Multiversity story line which they don't reveal his identity or face. The show-runners can also go this route.

7. Gorilla Grodd 2-part episode will take place in Gorilla City in Earth-2 and not in Earth-19, contrary to the popular belief. This means that we will meet our version of Gorilla Grodd. Supposedly, the Accelerated Man is part of this episode. 

Speaking of Gorilla city, brings me to my next point.

6. We will finally meet Solovar in Gorilla city, and he is voiced by none other than Keith David. If you aren't familiar with Kieth David, one of his animated voice works is the Reverse Giraffe from Rick and Morty.

If you don't read the comics and don't know who Solovar is, don't worry I will talk about him when we will get near the Gorilla City episode.

The basic thing is that Solovar is the good gorilla in this Planet of the Apes like fight with Grodd who wants power and control of the Gorilla City. 

This will be so amazing to see this Grand fight as in Planet of the Apes with only CG-Gorillas.

5. We will see Barry betray the team to save Iris. We have heard the prophecy that Savitar spoke that one will betray the team Flash. Many believe that person to be Cisco because when Savitar spoke those words camera zoomed on him but I believe that the person will be Barry. 

He will betray the team in small ways to save Iris. He knows that he can't change the past but will try to change the future as that try to do things different to save Iris. But we all know that self-fulfilling prophecies tend to happen regardless of what way you try to change the sequence of the things.

4. I predict that we will see Iris die more than once in that exact moment. So in keeping with the theme that Barry will be unable to change time at least in the short term, 

We are going to see it more than once. I know for sure that Candice Patton is not going to leave the show. There would be some crazy explanation on how Barry saves her or how she comes back, escaping death.

3.  The Black Flash will be back. By the Black Flash, I mean the Black Flash, in whom Zoom changed into at the end of season 2 finale.

In comics, it only shows up when a speedster is going top die. The crazy thing is that the show-runners have said that the Black Flash is coming to other DC TV shows making it sound like the Black Flash is coming for Reverse Flash in Legends of Tomorrow.

2. We will see human form of Savitar. We will learn about him, what he looked like, who was he before he created speed-force armor and started calling himself "God".

For the time being, Savitar is this whole CG villain voiced by Toben Bell from SAW. So far Savitar is in this state in which he can't manifest within this world, caught up between speed-force and the real world. 

Lets see how they address his human form, either we will see it in present day or in a flashback.

1. Barry will get a new suit. Grant Gustin has teased this on twitter about Barry being long due to get his new suit. There are a couple of ways for this to happen. One is that they upgrade this original suit, What they do is that change the suit or give it some upgrades every year with a new season. 

They have teased the Flash Ring but not done yet. 

The other way is that as Barry keeps trying to see the future to save Iris, we might see a future version of the Flash with a new suit.

These are my predictions for the rest of the season. Tell me in the comments if you want some articles about certain topics of the Flash you are not familiar with. I will do reviews as the episode airs after the mid season break. If you want to learn more about Savitar click here.


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