Saturday 28 January 2017

The Flash : Who is Gypsy?

Posted by Vikram Sharma
The Flash Episode 10 Season 3 was not an action packed episode but a character centric episode, making us proud upon our favorite speedster and it was good to see the whole team working together to save Iris and Killer Frost.

But at the end of the episode we saw someone coming through the portal to Earth 1. From the official synopsis and the promo of the next episode, the character who visits through the portal is Gypsy.

This leads to questions like
Who is Gypsy? Is she a character from comics? If yes, how is she different from her TV counter-part?

Gypsy's real name is Cynthia Reynolds. In new 52 where most of the show takes inspiration from, Gypsy has the powers of inter-dimensional traveling much like the show's version of Cisco has and guess what she debuted in new 52 in Vibe comic book series.

Gypsy's power has changed a lot in the comics, when she debuted in pre-new 52 era, she had powers of astral projection, chameleon(i.e. camouflaging), energy absorption etc. but in new 52, they have taken her name literally, making her a gypsy, a nomad traveling between earths.

She has been part of a lot of superhero factions like: Justice League, Conglomerate, and Birds of Prey.

In TV  Show:
The synopsis of the episode 11 reads as:
"Inter-dimensional travel is illegal on H.R.’s home Earth, so Gypsy (Jessica Camacho) — a bounty hunter with vibe powers — makes the journey to Earth-1 Central City to bring H.R. back to Earth-19 to stand trial for his crime.
H.R. surrenders, but when Barry (Grant Gustin) and Cisco (Carlos Valdes) learn that the novelist's only hope would be to challenge Gypsy to a duel to the death, Barry and Cisco intervene, with the latter offering to fight Gypsy in his place."

We have to wait and see what will be the outcome of the 'duel'. It seems that she has the powers of the Vibe (Cisco), but has more control over her abilities. One may also say that she can become an ally of the Team Flash. Possibly can become a love interest for Cisco. Personally I would love to see this dynamic play out just for the reason that I loved the scenes with Cisco and Golden Glider.

And yeah! we get see Cisco in full Vibe costume!!!!!

I feel that Cisco will also learn new aspects of his abilities which he never knew before. This might help them in future fighting Savitar


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