Saturday 7 January 2017

Arrow : Who is PROMETHEUS?

Posted by Vikram Sharma
The CW's Arrow season 5 has been so far so fantastic that this season has been able to revive Arrow to somewhat its old glory. This season has taken notes from its predecessor seasons 1 and 2. Before I go any further into this season,

I need to talk about the main villain of this season, PROMETHEUS. The show-runners have already said that the show's version of the character is not based on any comic nook character, he is the 'dark mirror version' of the hero, Green Arrow.

Prometheus is evidently aware of Oliver Queen's identities as The Hood/The Arrow as well as The Green Arrow. This further evidenced by the fact that he targeted victims whose names formed anagrams from people on the List which loops back this big bad to season 1.

Prometheus is still a mystery as in they haven't ripped off his mask and shown his face. But I feel that like in Arrow tradition they have given us many hints who he is and back half of the season is to unmask the psychology that is going inside his mind. As Deathstroke  was unmasked in mid-season finale of season 2 while the rest of the season was to his psychology like What is his plans,?Why is he after Oliver? What will he do to team Arrow?
I think the show-runners have a great job of providing clues who this person is. Like this person knows about Oliver and the List. Although Artemis was working with him providing him the information, yet he knew about Oliver before that.

This raised a lot of questions:

When did he know about Oliver?

When did he start training to fight Oliver?

That brings us to another important point that he is trained by the same person who trained Oliver as he had the same moves as of Oliver. In the preview of mid-season premiere, Oliver is talking to Diggle about tracking 'her' down. As Oliver said that he met her in Russia and since the flashbacks are set in Russia, we might see her in those and then gradually the show-runners will weave her into the present-day story. We know that the person who trained Oliver is Talia Al Ghul. 
But why would she train someone to go against someone who is also trained by her? Well that does sound a lot like her character from the comics.

In episode 9 of this season, we saw the Team Arrow jumping through these Prometheus hoops. As Oliver remembers about the drug which reminds him about Justin Clayborne way back in season 1 whom Oliver supposedly killed. Then later in the episode we find out the ashes are of Clayborne, thus rejecting their theory of Clayborne being Prometheus. It is not clear until Billy goes to Prometheus' hideout and send the photo through which they verify that Prometheus is Clayborne's illegitimate son. But the mystery is what is his first and last name. Thus the mystery is: Who Prometheus is! 

I feel that in traditional Arrow fashion the mystery of Prometheus is not that complex. All I mean to say that is, Oliver killed a bad guy but the bad guy has his own family which now feels justify to punish Oliver for what he did. The whole back-half of the season is to explain the character and his plans. The producers said a long time ago that what the show is built around is the mistakes that Oliver makes while doing something right.

Now the rest of the season will play out why and what Prometheus will do to destroy Oliver and how Oliver will cope-up with these.

I am really happy that the show is kind-of back to basics. For more such content follow.


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