Thursday 5 January 2017

Who is the REAL James Moriarty?

Posted by Vikram Sharma
Sherlock is one of those TV series that hints through out the episode providing hints about the main mystery of the episode. If one sees carefully enough one finds such subtle hints through out the episodes, which show-runners put to wink at the audience from behind the camera. The main mystery of the season 4 of this epic series is: Is Moriarty dead or alive?

I have basically 2 theories:

1. Moriarty set things in motion from beyond the grave. 

I am not saying he is working from the afterlife simply, that there was a fail-safe implemented that upon his death, wait X amount of years, then release the prerecorded footage. For what gain? It is unclear but most likely a diversion from some other plan or to simply toy with Sherlock at a time when he is most vulnerable. *Note* if this theory is to be believed then Moriarty really is dead.

2. Andrew Scott is not Moriarty. 

This theory is my favorite. This is a theory that I wouldn't put past the show runners, Moffat or Gatiss to use simply to mess with our heads... again. Well many of you might think that this is not the case, and that Andrew Scott was the real Moriarty. I m not saying that this is the case but it is one of the many possibilities.

We all remember Richard Brook?​

In Series 2 Episode 3 it appears as though Jim Moriarty is not who he says he is. He is Richard Brook; an actor who is well known for his kids TV Shows... Employed by someone else to carry out their dirty work. Later on we realize this is not true.

But what if he was employed by someone

What if he was desperate

What if he had a terminal illness like the cabbie that was hired by "Moriarty" in Series 1 Episode 1?

Is it possible the real Moriarty exploited this weakness like he exploits and manipulates others? That he took a not well known actor and used him as a front and as a scapegoat

The front for Moriarty may be dead... But the real Moriarty is still out there.

Of course this leaves a lot of unanswered questions:

Surely people would recognize Richard Brook when he went on trial in the Old Bailey under the guise of Moriarty... But that's the art of acting,concealing who you are and hiding in plain sight. People see what they want to see. They may have thought, "that guy looks a bit like that TV actor... What's his name again?"

The recovery of the Reichenbach Falls. An "Art Masterpiece". Recovered by Sherlock Holmes in the case that made his name.

This is why Moriarty named his alter ego Richard Brook, right?  
Not necessarily. Notice that we’re never given the story of the theft of this painting – we don’t know who stole it, why it was stolen, or how Sherlock recovered it.

Yes there are other problems with this theory but don't forget how easy it would be for the writers to fill in plot holes in Series Four if they have already laid the groundwork as they have successfully been able to do in Doctor Who.

Then there begs the question, "Who else could it be?" 

I have few characters in mind who can be the real Moriarty and the possible explanations:

Janine Hawkins

Janine appears in Series 3 Episode Two as a friend of Mary's. Mary who turned out to be an Ex-Spy. Notice she has the same Dublin accent as Andrew Scott. 

Could Moffat and Gatiss bend canon to allow for Moriarty to have a sister who is the real mastermind? Or is it simply a happy coincidence.

*Note* Janine also worked for Magnussen a blackmailer who specialized in finding peoples weak spots and playing them. 

The Third Brother

The third brother who was mysteriously hinted at, at the end of Series 3 Episode 3. Yet again could Moffat and Gatiss bend canon to have not only a third brother but one who was cast out at a young age and turned on his siblings. Bear in mind that Moriarty is more or less Sherlock's alter ego, proven (on many occasions) to match Sherlock's intellect.

Sherlock’s Mother

I know this might sound crazy and most bizarre yet, this one is what the show-runners have given plenty of hints.

1. Moriarty is a Professor of Mathematics

Moriarty is a Professor of Mathematics in the original Conan Doyle stories - something that has not been carried over onto Sherlock with Andrew Scott's Jim Moriarty. However, in His Last Vow, we learn that Sherlock's mother is a genius mathematician. This is the first parallel you can draw between Moriarty and Mrs. Holmes.
2. Moriarty and Mrs. Holmes have both written books that sound awfully similar

As seen in His Last Vow, Mrs. Holmes wrote a book called The Dynamics of Combustion. In the original stories, Moriarty was the one to author a book called The Dynamics of an Asteroid. This subtle little clue might just go a long way in the show.

Here's an excerpt from Sherlock's episode His Last Vow:
Mrs. Holmes wrote a book titled The Dynamics of Combustion by M. L. Holmes (so it must have been written after her marriage). Sherlock's father says of her, "Complete flake, my wife, but happens to be a genius" and also "unbelievably hot." She refers to the book as "that silly old thing".
3. Steven Moffat's interview about Moriarty's return

Steven Moffat in his interviews repeats these lines - "Moriarty is back! I'm not saying that Moriarty is alive". He also keeps mentioning the huge hint in The Last Vow that apparently everyone missed. These subtle hints have gone unnoticed because those who've read the original novels don't obsess over the show.
4. Moriarty knows everything there is to know about Sherlock

Mrs. Holmes has been around Mycroft and Sherlock for a long enough time to easily outsmart them. She is a really smart lady who definitely knows Sherlock very well. This is easily a trait of Moriarty. Plus she gave birth to Mycroft and Sherlock so she definitely knows her way around her smart kids.

5. Moriarty is not just a person but an identity

Moriarty is not an individual. Moriarty is an identity. Moriarty would never come out into the open to confront Sherlock Holmes. Andrew Scott's character is definitely not Moriarty but someone who pretends to be. Using him as diversion, Mrs Holmes has successfully stayed under the radar.

6. Sherlock's mother being Moriarty is the perfect con

Nobody expects Mrs. Holmes to be Moriarty. This revelation has the potential to break the internet. The idea of Mrs. Holmes as Moriarty is so bizarre that even if someone were to make this assumption, he'd be termed as a crazy guy. This makes it the perfect con. 

You tell me what you think about these theories. Are these valid? or can there be something else? We will find out in season 4. For my review of Sherlock season 4 episode 1 The Six Thatchers.


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