Thursday 26 January 2017

The Flash Season 3 Episode 10: "Borrowing Problems From the Future"

Posted by Vikram Sharma
Before I review the episode, I must say that our favorite Speedster is growing as he didn't waste any time to spill the beans and told the team about the future he saw. It was refreshing to see that.

Operation Save Iris is a go!
We have to thank Barry for his unexpected actions on The Flash Season 3 Episode 10 "Borrowing Problems from the Future."
He told the team the truth so they could work together on stopping Iris' murder by Savitar instead of keeping it a secret for no reason.
Especially since Iris clearly saw right through his half-answers when it came to the nightmares.
Moving in together, having sexy time, exchanging the l-word wouldn't mean much if Barry had chosen to keep her in the dark any longer.
How much did it hurt to watch Iris' face as the news slowly sank in?
My heart broke when she started to cry. We're so used to seeing Iris be strong for everyone else.
But some things, like learning you're going to die in four months, are just too much for one person. It makes sense at that moment she would have felt helpless.
Thankfully, they've got a team of superhero scientists on the case.
Please don't get me wrong, I love Tom Cavanagh. I have always felt that his characters and Cisco are the main backbone of the show. But I have always found HR annoying.
Having said that, it was almost strange how useful HR was in the episode.
To the point where I didn't even mind his scooter or his obsession with opening Star Labs.
Obviously I would take Harry back in a heartbeat, but if they keep this somewhat toned down version of HR, the odds of me smashing my TV decrease from week to week.
Of course it seemed a little silly that he claimed the future would happen no matter what.
Maybe on a show where time travel via speedforce didn't occur every two or three episodes.
But we're all used to that kind of plot convenience on our superhero shows, right?
Plus, he turned out to be wrong and Barry saw his love being killed again, which was one of my predictions.

I also feel that as the future is changing, Savitar's prophecy.

The future Barry saw on The Flash Season 3 Episode 9 already changed. And now we know it also comes with problems for Caitlin. 
Considering she spent most of the hour fretting over her malfunctioning cuffs, it's not a shock Killer Frost could be loose in four months. 
I love that Iris instantly jumped on the 'we have to save Caitlin, too' bandwagon.
This show doesn't often treat its female characters well, but I do appreciate the writers never pitting Iris and Caitlin against one another. 
I also love Caitlin inviting Julian to be part of the team.
Yes, I can hear the collective groans over another love interest for Caitlin, but maybe that's not the plan this time.
Okay, it's probably the plan. But maybe they'll give us a slow burn romance for a change.
That would be new and different.

Even without the romance, I like the idea of Julian joining Team Flash because if you have a metahuman expert and who know The Flash's secret, bring me on the team. Plus, I like Tom Felton's chemistry with Barry. The writers made a great choice when they decided to make him possessed rather than pure evil.
Now if only those same writers would make the actual villains more interesting.
Yes, the point of Plunder was to lead Barry toward changing the future rather than the past.
That's all well and good, but this is a comic book show. And one of the reasons we watch comic book shows is to see our heroes battling worthy adversaries.
Not a random robber whose gun stole his thunder.
Speaking of stealing thunder, I have to mention HR giving him the name Thunder and the new speedster on the block, Kid Flash taking all the accolades this week. There was also a nice easter egg, when they said that lets send this Kid Flash to Keystone city, which in comics, was the place where Wally West operated as the Flash.
 I still don't know why it's so important that he's faster than Barry, but he earned his credit this week. 
I worried he'd revert back to rebellious form when Barry laid out the plan for him to stop Plunder. Thankfully, Wally put his sister first, and followed Barry's instructions.
Will it last? Doubtful. 
I also feel that a major ass whooping awaits Wally because of his doing things before thinking and his lack of experience in fighting metahumans.
 Flash Points
  • Not telling Joe the truth is a terrible idea. And considering this version of Iris stopped talking to him when she learned the truth about mom, this seems hypocritical (or like the writers forgot their timeline).
  • Cisco being more like his old self is cause for rejoicing. Please don't ever leave us again.
  • The Music Meister and Grodd are coming! At least we got some good news from the future.
  • The Central City Museum looked a lot like the Flash museum which Barry saw during the finale of the season 1. The showrunners have said that they will do all the things which Barry saw. Amazing!
Tell me what you felt about the episode.


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